Everything has a beginning. Originally in 2014, ON1E was brand that was mainly geared towards forward fashion. After a few hiccups and a year later, we started to focus more on fitness. Now that wasn't a random act, that came out of nowhere.
In 2004, I graduated from college and almost immediately moved from southern Virginia up to the Maryland area. I was 21 years old and in decent shape. I worked a very active job that helped me maintain my physique and body weight. After a couple years, I decided to put my graphic design degree to good use and I became a Productions Manager at a marketing firm in Northern Virginia. The change in career meant more money, but less activity. I sat at a desk for 9 hours per day, all while snacking and just not living a healthy lifestyle.
After a few years of sitting in front of a computer all day long, I put on about 30-35 pounds, and it wasn't muscle. Although I played sports after work and on the weekends, it was not enough. Now sitting at 6'2", 220 pounds, I knew I had to make a change. I started with my mind and then changed my diet. I did not have a ton of time to workout, but I knew if I changed my eating habits that the weight would melt off...and it did!
20 pounds down and a year into ON1E, I decided to design and add some fitness related apparel to our Instagram and to the website. That was one of the best business decisions that I could have made. I know most of you do not remember the old website from 2015, but there was a fitness tab at the top and there were 12 shirts (6 men's and 6 women's). Those 12 shirts moved more in a month than the other shirts did all year. I analyzed what gender was buying more of the products and adapted to the changing market. The website and products were changed to reflect the people who showed us the most love.
Now almost 4 years later, we are still going strong with big moves on the horizon. I would personally like to thank everyone who has supported us throughout the years, it does not go unnoticed. I would also like to thank our special brand ambassadors, because without you all we would not be able to reach the amount of people we are able to daily. Thank you all.
Written by:
Tony T, CEO, ON1E Clothing @tonyt_on1e